Do Selena and Nick have secret phone dates???
Both Nick and Selena have said to the press that they can't live without their cells.There is a really good reason for it-they need the phones to keep their love going.It's hard for them to date. Tkey are both super busy and get followed by PAPARAZZI!!! So in there spare time they spend the time texting eachother!!
Taylor Swift is still upset over her breakup with Joe Jonas! In a recent YouTube video, country cutie Taylor held up a Joe Jonas Camp Rock doll, pointed out the cell phone and said,"See this one even comes with a phone, so he can break up with other dolls." Ouch! Note to Joe don't break up with girls over the phone!
iCarly kissin!
Jennete:I was reading the script and thought,"Oh this is a good episode." Then I got to the last page and I saw the kiss between Sam and Freddy, and I was like,"What?" I ran into my mom's room and was like,"I have to kiss Nathan!" She was like,"Oh...I'm sorry." I was freaking out.
Did Zac Get Ataked By A Fan?
OMG! While in London for the HSM 3 permire, it was reported that Z's hair was pulled by a fan! When we caught up with Zac, he tried not making that big of deal over the attack. "It got blown out of proportion." he shares with us. "But things like that are scary." In fact, Zac's GF Vanessa was the one who actually got hit in the face during the attack! "I looked in the mirror and saw a huge scratch. I was bleeding," she said. Ouch!
Did Demi Ditch Selena for Miley????
Demi put all the rumors that she doesn't like to rest when she showed up at Mi's Sweet 16 party at DIsneyland. Even though it's totes clear that Miley and Demi arn't "frenemies," where was Demi's BFF,Selena, at the big celebration?? Sel was totally MIA for her supposed friend, Miley's, big day!! Is Selena still holding a grudge about Mi's now infamous YouTube video where she made fun of D and S??? Nope!!! Sel was at a charity event in LA at the same time, so she couldn't make it to Miley's party! Sel assures M that there's no bad blood and dishes to us that she thinks it'd be so cool to record a song with both Miley and Demi!!!